Hire Greg for your Family, Organization, Company, or sponsor an event
Hire Greg for inspirational Speeches and Programs (customized curriculum available)
L.O.V.E. Foundation aims to reach adolescents through multiple venues, including, but not limited to our l.o.v.e.shops, which consist of three five-week workshops as follows that are meant to build on each other: Foundation of L.O.V.E. – building self-love, Lifted in L.O.V.E. - building vision, and A.G.A.P.E. – building self-esteem.
l.o.v.e.shop #1 - Foundation of L.O.V.E.
Five sessions = three hours a week for five weeks
• Building Love and Trust
• Unmasking – Identifying False Beliefs
• Body of Emotions – Identifying Emotions
• Mind of Thoughts – Identifying Thoughts
• Heart of Beliefs – Identifying Beliefs
l.o.v.e.shop #2- Lifted in L.O.V.E.
Five sessions = three hours a week for five weeks
• ‘L.O.V.E.’ – living, our, vision, every day
• ‘Living’ – life, creation, love, power
• ‘Our’ – connection, energy, community, divinity
• ‘Vision’ – calling, gifts, vision, purpose
• ‘Everyday’ – commitment, willingness, faith, character
l.o.v.e.shop #3- A.G.A.P.E.
Five sessions = three hours a week for five weeks
• Acknowledging and Agape
• Greatness and Grace
• Ability and Amazing
• Potential and Power
• Excellence and Eternity